in this related post I will show ewm rfui themes.
- Default theme & screens
This is a standard /SCWM/RFUI themes . This theme is the most popular. Because many consultant even doesn’t have any idea about alternative themes 🙂

2. Sample CSS 1
You can find details at the attached file. This css is my favourite 🙂

3. Sample CSS 2 (2968096 – Beispiel für alternatives Layout für Radio-Frequency (RF) TransaktionenVersion 1 from 16 Eyl 2020 in German)
This css is a new came with sap 2020 version. You can find details note : 2968096. Don’t forget to change your layout size if you want use this theme 🙂

4. Fiori – /SCWM/RFUI
You can activate fiori service for /SCWM/RFUI than use 🙂

Best Regards.
Hasan Nair